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  • Writer's pictureAnn Holland

"Therapy Helps Me..." anonymous pre-teen

“I like therapy with Annie . . .

because it helps me relieve and handle stress.”

Therapy can be beneficial in various ways, such as:

1. Developing Coping Strategies: Therapy helps you learn healthier ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and challenging situations, allowing you to handle them more effectively.

2. Identifying Patterns: It assists in recognizing negative behavioral or thought patterns, giving you the tools to change them and promote positive growth.

3. Improving Communication Skills: Therapy can enhance your ability to express feelings and thoughts, leading to better interpersonal relationships.

4. Building Self-awareness: Through self-reflection and guidance, therapy helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your emotions.

5. Reducing Symptoms: If you were experiencing symptoms of mental health conditions, therapy can aid in managing and alleviating those symptoms.

6. Setting Goals: Therapists can assist you in setting realistic goals and create a plan to achieve them, fostering a sense of direction and purpose.

7. Enhancing Resilience: By building emotional resilience, therapy helps you bounce back from adversity more effectively.

8. Providing Support: Having a supportive and non-judgmental environment in therapy can be invaluable during challenging times.

Remember, the benefits of therapy can vary for each person, but it is a powerful tool that can lead to positive changes in your life.

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